“Woodley Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy clinic is dedicated to holistic wellness and healing based on the profound teachings and application of the ancient healing systems of Ayurveda and Yoga using modern pulse diagnostics technology"               "And Marmapuncture - Your local pain clinic in Woodley"


Ayurveda and Yoga are India’s gifts to mankind. They focus on holistic wellness. While Ayurveda treats patients naturally with available food, herbs, and minerals, Yoga Therapy uses your body’s own resources for optimum health. Woodley Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy Clinic is dedicated to your holistic health and well-being.

I am Nandu Koregaonkar, a registered practitioner and member with the British Ayurvedic Medical Association. I hold a Diploma in Higher Education (Ayurvedic Medicine) from the College of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy UK Ltd; a Diploma in Marmapuncture from the British Institute of Marmapuncture; and a Post Graduate Diploma in Panchabhautik Chikitsa (a specialist tradition of Ayurveda practiced in Maharashtra, India). Additionally, I am a Certified Ayurvedic Nutrition and Lifestyle Counsellor; a Yoga Therapist; an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher; and a Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor.

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What We Do

Functional health assessment

For people who are fit and healthy; and who want to take charge of their life to maintain optimum health, knowledge and understanding of your unique constitution (Prakriti) and present imbalance (Vikruti) is essential. In the functional health assessment, I record a few minutes of your heart rate variability (HRV), which is interpreted into your present state of your health (Prakriti and Vikruti) from an Ayurvedic perspective.

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Constitutional Diet and Lifestyle Consultation

This is a more detailed assessment based on your current state of health, diet, and lifestyle, compared with the results of your Functional Health Assessment. We shall then discuss and agree an individually tailored diet and lifestyle recommendations for your optimum health. In addition, where applicable, my recommendations may include tailored Marma / EHF Therapy and Yoga Therapy Sessions to relieve immediate and / or long term health concerns.

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Panchabhoutik Chikitsa

Classical Ayurveda is based on the Theory of Tridoshas (three cardinal humours - Kapha, Vata and Pitta). Maintaining balance of the three doshas in the body means health, while vitiation of one or more of the doshas (humours) results in imbalance leading to Vyadhi (disease). Each of these three humours are formed from five universal elements known as panchamahabhutas (Panch = five, maha = main, bhuta = entity). These five elements are: Prithvi – Matter; Aap – Water; Tej – Fire; Vayu – Air; and Akash – Space. It is the equilibrium of these five elements that results in health, while their imbalance results in disease. Panchabhautik chikitsa is a specialist branch of Ayurveda which assesses the balance of five universal elements in a patient and his treatment. This approach leads to better diagnosis and treatment and has proven to have miraculous effects.

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Ayurvedic treatments are classified into two basic treatments; Shamana (pacification of vitiated doshas) and Shodhana (removal of vitiated doshas). There are five (pancha) shodhana karmas; vamama (emesis), virechana (purgation), vasti or basti (medicated enema); Nasya (delivery of medication through the nasal route), rakta mokshana (bloodletting). While some milder shodhana therapies can be carried in the UK at your home under my guidance and care, some patients may require a thorough shodhana of one or more of the shodhana treatments in a hospital setting. My clinic has therefore arranged a partnership with a specialist panchakarma centre in India who practice Panchabhoutik Chikitsa. This partnership is to ensure treatment protocols used in the UK and in India have a consistent approach. This is to ensure benefits of Panchakarma in India are endured and maintained.

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Marmapuncture has evolved combining the benefits of Ayurvedic Acupuncture (Suchi Veda) and Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). While the traditional methods use needles and moxibustion to activate biologically active points (BAPs) on the body, I also use EHF (extremely high frequency millimetre waves) device to activate the Marmas and Acupuncture Points for similar results. It can be used independently or an as an adjunct to modern Allopathy, Ayurveda and TCM treatments. Marmapucnture has been found to be extremely effective in treating various medical conditions and diseases providing quicker results.

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Yoga Therapy Sessions

Yoga and Ayurveda have the same philosophical base. While Ayurveda Treatments fall under the category or “dravya” chikitsa (treatment with food, herbs and herbo minerals); Yoga is considered “adravya” chikitsa (treatment without any herbs etc). Yoga has been practiced for maintaining perfect health and wellbeing, as well as a therapy to treat a broad variety of ailments and conditions. To benefit from the therapeutic effects of Yoga, its practices must synchronize the movement with your breathing. This requires personal guidance, support, and training. Yoga as therapy uses the adaptation of asanas, pranayama, bandha, mudras, mantras and meditation per your individual constitution, state of health, physical ability, and energy levels. As a Yoga Teacher and a Therapist, I tailor and teach constitutionally suitable yoga practices, so as to help you integrate them into your daily routine. This triggers healing, resulting in optimum health with calmness, to face the stresses and strains of modern living.

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